Guardians of the Marvel Galaxy: How to get units / earn money

In guardians of the Marvel Galaxy, all favorite groups of variegated spatial watchers must work together to prevent an imminent threat to take over the galaxy. To do this, you will need all the tools at your disposal, including the valuables you may have in your hands. Here is all you need to know How to get units / make money at Marvel's Guarders of the Galaxy.

How to get units / make money at Marvel's Guarders of the Galaxy

Like the search for resources for updates in guardians of the Marvel Galaxy, the units can be earned through each level of the game. Unfortunately, money is much rarer than the basic and advanced update components you will find in each area.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Star-Lord Totally

Fortunately, there are some decisions that you can take and result in more units than others. Perhaps the most important of them is selling Groot to Lady Hellbender. This gives you 12,000 units, which is more than you get by investigating the Lady Hellbender safe on the Sell Rocket route.

Playing New Game Plus is another excellent way to accumulate units, since this mode allows you to transfer everything from your previous game, including cash.

That's all you need to know How to get units / earn money at Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. If you're still looking for more information about the game, make sure you check the wiki of the full guide, since Surely you will have all the advice, tricks and frequently asked questions you can have about the game.

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