Deathloop developer confirms connection with Dishonored

Since Death loop launched last year at PS5 and PC, Many players have had the opportunity to enjoy this entertainment piece that makes us return over time and again. Even some fans asked at the time Arcane Studios If the title had a connection with Dishonored , and until recently they just talk about the subject.

In a recent conversation in Xbox Podcast , the director of Death loop , Dina Banana, confirmed that the game shares the same universe as Dishonored . Specifically, Banana said the game is intended to take place in one of the futures set long after Dishonored: Death of the Outsider .

Although the union between both properties was not destined to be noticeable, Banana said the Arcane team spread numerous Easter Eggs for everything Death loop to link it with Dishonored .

It is true. The universes @deathloop and @dishonored are connected.

Tune the Xbox podcast for more details.

Here are the comments of Banana :


Actually, there are many clues in the game. There are some of those who are abused. One of them is really spoiler, so ready. But there are many small things, and some that were under people's noses all the time, but people are only realizing.

Remember that Death loop is available in PS5 , Xbox Series X/S and PC.
