The world of DeathLoop is the future of the Dishonored series. Bethesda officially acknowledges

Bethesda Soft works revealed on October 8 that both works share the world view of the Death loop and the Dishonored series. Both are works by the ARCANE STUDIOS Group, a subsidiary of the company.

DECATHLON is an FPS developed by Arcane Lyon. The protagonist trapped in a mysterious time loop on a certain island aims to assassinate eight important figures before the day is reset in order to end the loop that repeats the same day forever. Utilize the knowledge gained in each loop, find new weapons and abilities and find strategy.

On the other hand, DISHONORED is a stealth action game designed by Arcane Studios. The protagonist, who has been worn in the queen assassination, is rescued by a mysterious organization outsider and is given paranormal abilities. The hero who became the assassin with a mask performs revenge play using paranormal abilities such as short-range teleport and possession of living things. In the series, the sequel DISHONORED 2 and the spin-off DISHONORED: Death of the Outsider were also released.

Arcane Studios has been highly evaluated in the Dishonored series, and Decathlon, released last year by his sister Studio Arcane Lyon, was also popular. In the past, Death loop players reported that they had discovered Easter eggs in the game, and from that content, both works may share the world view. Rumors have been rumored.

Major Nelson, a senior director in charge of Microsoft, released a podcast program on October 7 in an interview with Arcane Lyon's creative director Dina Banana. Banana is the main person of the development of each work of Death loop and Dishonored series.

Mr. Banana, who was asked about the rumors mentioned above in the program, said that the community found that all players would not see or hear the same by incorporating several systems in Decathlon. He recalls that it was fun to see how he shared about. He stated that Decathlon depicts the future events of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, and officially acknowledged the connection of the world view of both works.


Banana always thought about what happened after the world of Dishonored. He said that Decathlon was a work with its own story and character, but it might be possible to share the world view during the development of the work.

In the elements reminiscent of the Dishonored series that sneaked into the game of Decathlon, he said that he liked the heritage gun used by the protagonist. On the side of the gun, the Dishonored dung wall tower is engraved as a logo. Decathlon seems to have many other Easter eggs scattered. If you are a DISHONORED fan, why not play while searching for such elements?

DECATHLON is on sale for PC (Steam/Epic Games Store/Microsoft Store)/PS5/Xbox Series X | S. It is also provided for PS Plus Extra/Premium and Xbox/PC Game Pass.
