Who is Deku's father?

Izuku Midoriyama, also known as DEU, is the protagonist of the Hero Academia series and a hero in formation, using One for All as the successor of All Might.


Although DEU is the main character, and we know a lot about his mother, many details of his father are not known, which leaves a mystery about who he is and where he could be. There have been many wild fans theories about that DEU's father is a kind of hidden main character or great revelation, as well as speculation that it is not important and that the simple does not matter in history. If you wonder about the mystery of DEU's father, don't look for more; We have covered all the information available. Follow next to get everything you need to know about who is Midoriyama's father in My Hero Academia?

Explanation of Midoriyama's father in My Hero Academia

It is not known much about DEU's father in My Hero Academia, but he has a name. This name is Hisashi Midoriyama, the man who, at some time unknown to his life, married Into Midoriyama, who gave birth to his son, Izuku. It is said that Hisashi took work abroad, but his current whereabouts and occupation are unknown. Despite the relocation of Hisashi in another country, Into continues to refer to him as his husband, indicating that they are still together. However, it is strange that we have not seen DEU interacting with his father, even through text messages or phone calls, so who knows what the problem really is? Image Source: Studio Bones The Hisashi Quirk is also interesting, since it only appears as an unknown Quirk that spits fire, which gives it the ability to spit fire. It has been said that Hisashi will be completely revealed within the story at some point before his conclusion, so maybe we can even see this Quirk in action and learn everything about the man who is DEU's father. On the other hand, if fans theories are correct, this revelation could devastate DEU and create one of the greatest clashes in all my hero academy. Why? Well, most of these fans theories believe that DEU's father is secretly the great bad, there. Until revelation, we will have to wait and see how the rest of the history of My Hero Academia develops. That is all you need to know about who is Midoriyama's father in My Hero Academia? To get more guides, lists, news and questionnaires of My Hero Academia, see the rest of our content here in.

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