Page Title: House of the Dragon: Realistic Representation of Medieval Politics - Did the Baby Die?

House of the Dragon is emerging to be surprisingly realistic in its representation of medieval politics.


It focuses much more on the characters and their personalities that fight with each other for supremacy, with a pinch of dragons, and does not shy away difficult themes or scenes. We see a frightful birth of King Misery I. Shortly after, the baby apparently disappears.

Did the baby die in House of the Dragon?

What happened to the baby in House of the Dragon?

Yes, the baby did, actually, die at the dragon's house. As for why the baby died, we may never know. Just after his birth, Below Targaryen cried audibly and sounded like a newborn baby. Were there complications? Was it a divine punishment for King Misery and choosing to save a child who had no way of knowing that he would be his male heir about his dying wife? This is just speculation, but maybe Daemon Targaryen had something to do with that. After all, if Below continued to live, it would be the successor of Misery for the Iron Throne, no Daemon. Shortly after Below's death, Daemon is seen inside a brothel (which he bought for him and his men to celebrate it). It looks quite solemn, despite the festivities that surround it. Is it guilt, fear or sadness? And what about Daemon's joke about the late Below Targaryen? The Heir For a Day is a cruel joke, especially addressed to your brother's son. Only time will say if we ever get the answer. Westeros' fans of George RR Martin must remember that political intrigue plays an important role; People survive or die depending on their ability to play the Game of Thrones. After all, it is very likely that the difficult work will lead to the death of Below Targaryen. It is possible that Misery has taken too long to make a decision, which finally led to the death of his wife and son. Even so, Below's death should be seen absolutely as a divine punishment for Misery's selfishness, and we see in the course of the series that he never stops paying for that. Now you know that the baby died in House of the Dragon. We can only speculate on how Westeros would see if Below had promoted to the iron throne. To get more information about House of the Dragon, see what House Blackface is about. Outstanding Image Source: HBO MAX Related Posts Fans survey compares season 1 of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon with surprising results Comparison of dragon size: explanation of the dragon's house Dragon House vs. Rings of Power: What fantasy show is better? What is the patriarchy in Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon? What books are House of the Dragon based on? Answered
